Chocolate Cat Fanciers

Featured Cattery - Emptynest Persians & Himalayans

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Jennifer McAvoy, DVM
Emptynest Cattery

Jennifer McAvoy, DVM - Emptynest Cattery,  Lilac Persian Jennifer McAvoy, DVM - Emptynest Cattery

CH Whisconier Cinderella of Emptynest

Lilac Mackerel Tabby Persian CPC
Sire: GC, RW QDPies Son-of-a-Blank of Whisconier
Dam: CH Whisconier's Wynona

Owner: Jennifer McAvoy, DVM
Cattery: Emptynest Cattery
Location: North Syracuse, NY

Information: We are a small veterinarian/veterinary technician owned cattery based at Cat Care Center, a full service veterinary hospital and housecall service exclusively for cats in North Syracuse, New York.

We have been showing Persians since Nov. 2000 and recently had our first litter born. They are seven beautiful chocolate and lilac visuals! The proud mom is CH Whisconier Cinderella of Emptynest (thank you Sue and Sarah) and the proud poppa is CH Commeilfaut Andantino of Emptynest (thanks Olga for sending him all the way from Moscow, Russia).

I never thought that I would be showing and breeding cats as a veterinarian, but my technician and I have fallen absolutely in love with this beautiful breed and strive to produce healthy cats for show or pet. Just about all of my staff members own at least one Persian!

Click here to view Emptynest Cattery kittens

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