Chocolate and Lilac Persian - Himalayan Grand
GC Chamagoura In Your Face
Color/Sex: Solid Lilac Persian Female
Sire: Lake Hyco SirLancelot of Chamagoura
Dam: Chamagoura's Keebler Kisses (Sired by CH Fur
Pleasures Cody of Chamagoura)
Breeder: Karen Murth, Chamagoura Cattery
In Your Face won her Grand Champion title at the Midwest
TGIF Fanciers show in Indianapolis on March 3, 2007

GC Choc' Sugaw Coharie of Felival
Color/Sex: Chocolate Persian, Female
Sire: GC.Lake Hyco's Brown Thrasher
Dam: CH.,GP Choc' Sugaw Sugaree
Breeder: Pat Brendle
Owner: France Cote

GC Choc' Sugaw Cheraw of Felival
Color/Sex: Lilac point Himalayan, Male
Sire: GC.Lake Hyco's Brown Thrasher
Dam: CH,GP Choc' Sugaw Sugaree
Breeder: Pat Brendle
Owner: France Cote
GC Darling Purs Camelot
Color/Sex: Chocolate Point Himalayan,
Sire: Noradawn Warrior of Pawdance
Dam: Darling Purs Kaitlin of Pawdance
Breeder: Junelle Rehmeyer, Pawdance Cattery
Granded by Ann Chapman
GC Featherland's Weird Science
Color/Sex: Chocolate Mackerel Tabby
Persian, Male
Sire: Featherland's Why Did U Say Burma?
Dam: Featherlands Golden Girl
Breeder: Lorraine Shelton, Featherland Cattery
CFA's first chocolate - lilac family Grand Champion
in the Persian Tabby Division. CFA's second best Tabby
Persian in the Southwest Region 2000-2001

GC Foxy I Lav Lucy! of Pirayas
Color/Sex: Lilac Persian, Female
Sire: GC Homerkits Moosesloose of Foxy
Dam: Degentilly Amethyst Kisses of Foxy
Breeder: B J Fox, Foxy Cattery
GC, RW Foxy Lavender Lucy
Color/Sex: Lilac Persian, Female
Sire: GC Homerkits Moosesloose of Foxy
Dam: Degentilly Amethyst Kisses of Foxy
Breeder: B J Fox, Fox Cattery

GC, GP, RW Foxy Lucy Brown
Color/Sex: Chocolate Persian, Female
Sire: GC Homerkits Moosesloose of Foxy
Dam: CH Foxy Molly Brown
Breeder: B J Fox, Fox Cattery
GC Fur Pleasure's Lucky, DM
Color/Sex: Lilac Cream Persian, Female
Sire: CH Purelee's Ka-Bluee of Fur Pleasure
Dam: CH Catzboutique Princess Himey Leia
Breeder: Michael Roach, Fur Pleasure Cattery
CFA's 1st Lilac Cream Grand Champion. CFA's 1st Lilac
Cream Distinguished Merit 5th Best CPC in CFA in CFA,
Best of Color Nationally 1997-98 Show Season

GC Fur Pleasure's Lucky Anakin Skywalker
Color/Sex: Lilac Persian, Male
Sire: CH Foxy Blues Brother of Fur Pleasure
Dam: GC Fur Pleasure's Lucky, DM
Breeder: Michael Roach, Fur Pleasure Cattery
Winner of Norsk Rasekatt Klubb Norak Gold Medal, 9th
Best Cat in the Region, 2nd Best of Breed in Region
1999-2000 Show Season, Highest Scoring Lilac in CFA
History, Best of Color Nationally 1999-2000 Show Season.

GC Fur Pleasure's Lucky Boba Fett
Color/Sex: Lilac Persian, Male
Sire: CH Foxy Blues Brother of Fur Pleasure
Dam: GC Fur Pleasure's Lucky, DM
Breeder: Michael Roach, Fur Pleasure Cattery

GC Fur Pleasure's Lucky Milennium Falcon
Color/Sex: Lilac Persian, Male
Sire: CH Foxy Blues Brother of Fur Pleasure
Dam: GC Fur Pleasure's Lucky, DM
Breeder: Michael Roach, Fur Pleasure Cattery

GC Fur Pleasure's Watto
Color/Sex: Lilac Persian, Male
Sire: Champion Foxy's Blues Brother of Fur Pleasure
Dam: GC Fur Pleasure's Lucky, DM
Breeder: Michael Roach, Fur Pleasure Cattery
His mother, GC Fur Pleasure's Lucky (lilac CPC) became
CFA's 1st Distinguished Merit cat in the chocolate
and lilac color series.

GC Fur Pleasure's Dennis Phantom Mennace
Color/Sex: Lilac Persian, Male
Sire: GC, RW Fur Pleasure's Lucky Anakin Skywalker
Dam: CH Fur Pleasure's Lalique
Breeder: Michael Roach, Fur Pleasure Cattery
GC Furxxtc Versace
Color/Sex: Lilac Point Himalayan
Sire: CH Foxy Blues Brother of Fur Pleasure
Dam: Lollimops Chloe of Furxxtc
Breeder: Krisann McDonnell, Furxxtc Cattery

GC Gorbe Irani Rocky Road Of Jude
Color/Sex: Chocolate Classic Tabby Persian,
Sire: GC Jude Rocky Racoon
Dam: INRVision Cia Shab of Gorbe Irani
Breeder: Anita Mehryari
Owners: Judy Harper/Anita Mehryari
Granded 12-2-06
Rocky is CFA'S 1st Chocolate Classic
Tabby Grand Champion.

GC KingdomKatz Mi Lady Chocolate Drop
Color/Sex: Solid Chocolate Female
Sire: KingdomKatz Lord Malachi
Dam: CH Foxy Sugar Plum!
Breeder: Allyson Paruzynski
Chocolate drop was a 2.5 show grand.
She completed her grand at the Lincoln State Cat show
in Oak Lawn, Illinois, February 17, 2007. She was
awarded the Midwest Regional Color win, Atlantic Himalayan
Clubs 6th Best CPC in the Nation, and was number
one Chocolate Persian in the nation for the 2006-2007
show season.
CH, GP Kissncats Touched by an Angel
Color/Sex: Chocolate Tortoiseshell Persian
Sire: Ch Cactusways Ready Teddy
Dam: Kissncats Petite Fleur
Breeder: Dorothy and Leroy Woofter of Kissncats
CH, GP Kissncats Touched by an Angel
attained grand status on December 5, 2010 at the age
of 9 years 5 months old, and is the first Chocolate
Tortoiseshell Persian to Grand in either Championship
or Premiership in CFA.
Grand Gallery photo provided by Elizabeth Kennedy
of EMGems Cattery.

GC Kutzikoo Lilac Cloud
Color/Sex: Lilac Cream Point Himalayan,
Sire: CH Kutzikoo Nestle Morsel
Dam: Ch Hausecats Patches of Kutzikoo
Breeder: Doug & Heather Kutz, Kutzikoo Cattery
First Lilac Cream Point in CFA History.

GC Kutzikoo Lilac Ribbons
Color/Sex: Lilac Persian, Female
Sire: Creations Crusade of Kutzikoo
Dam: Degentilly Violets of Kutzikoo
Breeder: Doug & Heather Kutz, Kutzikoo Cattery

GC Kutzikoo Pink Dazzle
Color/Sex: Lilac Point Himalayan, Female
Sire: Kutzikoo's Quick as Lightening
Dam: Kutzikoo's Lavender Sunset
Breeder: Doug & Heather Kutz, Kutzikoo Cattery

GC Kutzikoo Violets Twice As Nice
Color/Sex: Lilac Persian, Female
Sire: GC Kutzikoo Touche'
Dam: Degentilly Violet of Kutzikoo
Breeder: Doug & Heather Kutz, Kutzikoo Cattery

GC Lake Hyco's Brown Thrasher
Color/Sex: Chocolate Persian, Male
Sire: CH Lake Hyco's Tutelo of Choc' Sugaw
Dam: Fur Pleasure's Crystal of Lake Hyco
Breeder: Teresa A.Glisson
Thrasher is the third chocolate Persian
I have ever seen and I feel fortunate to have bred
him. He earned a BEST CAT from Edna Field at his
first show as a champion and he granded Sept. 2
in Portland, Maine. Thrasher is the Southern Region's
and CFA's B

GC Mystere Chocsaway
Color/Sex: Chocolate Lynx Point Himalayan,
Sire: CH Noradawn Superted
Dam: Mystere Madame Butterfly
Breeder: Diane Hunt
Grand Champion Mystere Chocsaway gained his title
at the GCCF Wessex show 2/3/02.

GC NewDestiny's The POP Star
Color/Sex: Chocolate Point, Male
Sire: GC, RW NewDestiny's Something In The Stars
(Highest Scoring Chocolate Point Himalayan in CFA
Dam: GC NewDestiny's Truly Scandalous
Breeder: Teresa Schroeder
Granded 12-2-06
POP is the first GC for Star and not the last. He
Granded at the Brazos Valley Cat show this Saturday
in Richmond Texas. He is a 4th generation GC, proving
that Chocolates can be constant in show quality.

GC New Destiny's Something to Remember
Color/Sex: Chocolate Point, Male
Sire: GC New Destiny's Something Wonderful
Dam: Bevenlee's Cocoa Puff of New Destiny
Breeder: Teresa Schroeder
National BEST Chocolate Point 1997-1998

GC, RW New Destiny's Something In The Stars
Color/Sex: Chocolate Point, Female
Sire: GC NewDestiny's Something To Remember
Dam: LambNLion's Bridge Over The Stars
Breeder: Teresa Schroeder
Highest Scoring Chocolate Point Himalayan in CFA
Total points earned 4430.50. 11th BEST CAT in the
Gulf Shore Region
National Best Chocolate Point Persian-Himalayan
Best Cat In Show. Multiple Best Cat Winner

GC Odin Destiny
Color/Sex: Lilac Persian Male
Sire: GC Tyland Hot Fudge Sundae of Odin
Dam: Odin The Clock Struck One
Breeder: Martha Kohlmeyer
Destiny is a lilac male born on June 25, 1995. He
became CFA's first male and second ever lilac grand
champion on Nov 2, 1996, at the Santa Clara Valley
Cat Fanciers show.

GC Odin Stop and Smell the Roses
Color/Sex: Lilac Persian, Female
Sire: GC Odin Destiny
Dam: Odin Sundae Drive
Breeder: Martha Kohlmeyer
Rosie granded on Feb 22, 1998 and was national best
of color lilac for the 1997-1998 show season.

GC Odin Quantum Leap
Color/Sex: Chocolate Persian, Female
Sire: CH Kissncats Mein Schatz of Tyland
Dam: Odin The Clock Struck One
Breeder: Martha Kohlmeyer
GC PatsQuats Java Kisses
Color/Sex: Solid Chocolate, Female
Sire: CH PatsQuats Guinness
Dam: Deauneaumaux Lacy of PatsQuats
Breeder: Pat Marshall/PatsQuats Cattery
GC PatsQuats Java Kisses is a solid chocolate, born
8/30/2007 and she granded at the CFA show in Longview,
Washington on January 17, 2009.
GC PatsQuats Kahlua (Chumley)
Color/Sex: Solid Chocolate, Male
Sire: CH Wren Brook Reginaldi of PatsQuats
Dam: CH Chamagoura Lady Lola of PatsQuats
Breeder: Pat Marshall/PatsQuats Cattery
Chumley achieved his grand on May
10th, 2008 at the North Pacific Siamese
Fanciers CFA show in Issaquah, WA. He also earned
the awards of Best Other
Solid Color Persian Nationally and in the Northwest
Region for the 2007-2008
show season.
Attached is a picture of GP PatsQuats Selena who
granded in two shows. She is proudly owned and shown
by Scott Renno.
GP PatsQuats Selena of Casa Vieja
Color/Sex: Solid Chocolate Persian,
Sire: PatsQuats Kona
Dam: PatsQuats Fudge Sundae
Breeder: Pat Marshall/PatsQuats Cattery
GP PatsQuats Selena granded in two shows. She is
proudly owned and shown by Scott Renno.
GP PatsQuats Dreamers Chance of EMGems
Color/Sex: Chocolate Tortoiseshell
Persian, Female
Sire: GC PatsQuats Kahlua
Dam: CH Cummere Crystal Star of PatsQuats
Breeder: Pat Marshall/PatsQuats Cattery
GP PatsQuats Dreamers Chance of EMGems granded at
the McKenzie River CFA show in Portland, OR on March
13, 2016. "Dreamer" is owned and shown
by Elizabeth Kennedy.

GC Tuleburg Lilac Totoro
Color/Sex: Lilac Himalayan, Male
Sire: CH Tuleburg Capuccino
Dam: CH Foxy Touch-O-Blueberry
Breeder: Barbara Redalia

GC Tyland Hot Fudge Sundae of Odin
Color/Sex: Chocolate Point Himalayan,
Sire: CH Kissncats Mein Schatz of Tyland
Dam: CH Kashimoto's Truffles of Tyland
Breeder: Janet Tyra
Owner: Jeff Martini

GC, RW Yo-Mans Amazing Grace
Color/Sex: Lilac Point Himalayan,
Sire: CH Yo-Mans This Bud's For Me
Dam: Yo-Mans Fudge Bar
Breeder: Myrtle & George Youmans
Northwest Region 14th Best Kitten, CFA Best Lilac
Point Cat for the 1997 - 1998

GC Yo-Mans Kokanee
Color/Sex: Chocolate Persian, Male
Sire: GC Min-Glys Chiclet
Dam: CH Yo-Mans Memories Are Made-Of-This
Breeder: Myrtle & George Youmans
Have your chocolate family Grands featured here!
Help cat lovers around the world who do not have a chance
to see these gorgeous colors in person. Include in the
message area the your name and cattery, the cats color,
sex, sire, dam, breeder.